for only $16.05 $11/page. 115. metaphor "Trujillo is the devil" Pg. Odysseus is a compassionate man despite his aggressive and violent behavior during the war and the fights he has against the monsters on his journey. King Alcinous and Queen Arete rule the seafaring Phaeacians on the island of Scheria. I believe the Bard, Demodocus, sings of a quarrel between Odysseus and Achilles at Troy. . Learn More. 24. imagery. Then the seeker recalls to his consciousness, thanks to his inner intuitive perception, the most important events of his development (Demodocus, the blind divine bard, sang the dispute between Odysseus . 4. Who are the suitors? Pontonous set a seat for him among the guests, leaning it up against a bearing-post. The speeches are to be . During the feast Demodocus sings about the disagreement between Odysseus and Achilles at Troy. In the Odyssey by Homer, Demodocus ( / dɪˈmɒdəkəs /; Greek: Δημόδoκος, Demodokos) is a poet who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. Phemius is one of the two bards mentioned in Homer's Odyssey. what do butterflies symbolize. But not all websites are created equal, and even fewer are designed with the disabled community in mind. During Odysseus' stay on Scherie, Demodocus performs three narrative songs. Book 11. 1) Kept him alive and well while all the gods helped him get home. Though told via worlds of gods and kings, many of the myths apply to everyday people and everyday life. Only Alcinous notices his tears, and he asks the bard to stop singing. Odysseus's adventures include the visit the land of the Lotus Eaters, the blinding the one-eyed giant Cyclops, a one-year sojourn with the enchantress Circe, a trip to the Underworld . In the Odyssey by Homer, the blind poet Demodocus sings for the Phaeacian royal court about the war in Troy. During Odysseus visit on Scherie, he sings three narrative songs, two of which make Odysseus remember his sorrow and cry. Homer. And Demodocus answers his call, picks up the, the, the, his musical instrument, and goes ahead and tells the story of the Trojan Horse, in which Odysseys figures prominently, provokes the, the great hero to tears, and sets off the course of events that leads [unknown] to try to call him out and figure out ways to try to identify this man. .3Hermes- herb that saved him from being bewitched. Some important qualities that . VIII 266-366) draws on the folk narrative tradition of archaic Greece, exploiting materials of popular storytelling. In the Odyssey by Homer, the blind poet Demodocus sings for the Phaeacian royal court about the war in Troy. 4.Circe- Odysseus' ship crew back. During Odysseus ' stay on Scherie, Demodocus performs three narrative songs. The job of the bards was to emphasize the importance of oral storytelling and song in Ancient Greek society. why is the poet Demodocus important. DEMODOCUS, SOCRATES, THEAGES. Odysseus and his men reach the entrance to the Land of the Dead. Demodocus' song an independent lay inserted in a foreign setting2. Odysseus cries to hear the tale. The story conveys the union of love and strife. The morning after Odysseus' rugged landing, Athena (disguised as a friend) sends their daughter, Nausicaa, and some of her handmaidens to wash clothes near the spot where the beleaguered hero has collapsed. A servant presently led in the famous bard Demodocus, whom the muse had dearly loved, but to whom she had given both good and evil, for though she had endowed him with a divine gift of song, she had robbed him of his eyesight. Correct Response. Answer (1 of 6): Myths were not just stories, they were the models for human behavior. - Answers Well, i assume that you've read The Odyssey, the significance of this. Skillful with a spear An able horseman Crafty and cunning Odysseus is best known for his craft and cunning. Summary. Elpenor. closely connected, but individual and separate sections. they are sometimes even more important to think about in the design of your system, but their needs are so different from what you're used to developing for that it's hard to keep . They taught people how to live; the consequences of right and wrong. Analysis: Books 7-8. Demodectic mange, also known as red mange, is a parasitic skin infection caused by mites such as Demodex canis (most common), Demodex injai, or Demodex cornei. But even if his name is known and his date and region can be inferred, Homer remains primarily a projection of the great poems themselves. The men include the philosopher Socrates, the general and political figure Alcibiades, and the comic playwright Aristophanes. Aphrodite's marriage to Hephaestus, which has no grounding in Such criticism had the merit at least of making scholars look more closely at the story in its context. He urges . The reason that Odysseus gives Demodocus is because he wants to tell the story of how he lost his crew. He Was From a Greek Island The Aegean island of Chios, Greece, image courtesy of Lonely Planet A Greek writer in the second century AD named Lucian imagined meeting Homer in a satirical text. Synopsis. Odyssius lowers his emotional fdefences when he is touched by the Bard's music. Demodocus "made them see [the Trojan War] happen" with his mastery of language (Odyssey, VIII, 541). Everyone enjoys the singing except for Odysseus who bursts into tears because of the pain and suffering of which the song reminds him. 2. Homer demonstrates how bards' tales are connected to their audience's thoughts and feelings. PAY ATTENTION TO: Alcinous' response to Odysseus' request for help on the way home. Odysseus remembers his comrades who died in the war and . Under the microscope, it appears cigar-shaped with eight short legs. It depicts a friendly contest of extemporaneous speeches given by a group of notable men attending a banquet. Unlike other classical heroes, his physical prowess is less significant than his intelligence and trickery. This type of mite is a normal inhabitant of the hair follicle, though it is usually not harmful. He thinks it will be a good way to distract Achilles from his anger and make him laugh. "Hear me, my lords and captains of Phaeacia! In Homer's "The Odyssey," , Demodocus is a blind poet or storyteller who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. Analysis: Books 7-8. After everyone eats and drinks, the bard Demodocus sings about the battle between Odysseus and Achilles. They drank and killed many sheep and oxen on the seas shore. The speed with which the black ship is prepared. Demodocus sings the story of the affair between Ares (god of war) and Aphrodite (goddess of love), and of how Hephaestus, Aphrodite's crippled blacksmith husband, got jealous when he found out. Alcinous responds quickly to Odysseus' desire for passage home and then invites the stranger to a dual entertainment: songs by the bard demodocus and a kind of Phaecian mini . The first . Quiz 2: Becoming a Hero. Odyssius is moved to tears by his songs of the Trojan War and of Odysseus' journey. Demodocus "made them see [the Trojan War] happen" with his mastery of language (Odyssey, VIII, 541). Cameron: 01:09: . This . SOCRATES: Why, in any case I happen to have time to spare, and for you, moreover, I have plenty. This will inadvertantly lead to Odyssius revealing his identity. . 2.Maron-goat skin filled with wine. Gifts. The story shows that public humiliation is the worst punishment. Try telling someone that Jesus Christ created them but also left heaven to live on earth as a human being. 420 BCE). A literal God was born from a woman who was impregnated by a superior God but they never had sex? The story demonstrates that the gods are subject to human frailties. Nausicaa is a classic nubile beauty . Odysseus's stay at Alcinous's palace provides the reader with some relief as it bridges the narrative of Odysseus's uncertain journey from Calypso's island and the woeful exploits that he recounts in Books 9 through 12. Why, in any case I happen to have time to spare . Socrates, I was wanting to have some private talk with you, if you had time to spare; even if there is some demand, which is not particularly important, on your time, do spare some, nevertheless, for me. It has been one of . Although he does not have his own individual sight, his supernatural ability makes up for up for this weakness. IMPORTANT CHARACTERS: Athena, Alcinous, Demodocus, Odysseus, Laodamon, and Broadsea and the gods of Demodocus' tale, especially Hephestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Hermes. Odysseus immediately broke into tears, remembering the predicament he was in 10 years ago, and the King Alcinous stopped Demodocus from singing, then later held dinner. Reality is much more unbelievable than fiction. what do butterflies symbolize. Description 24. imagery. Explanation: Demodocus, whose name means "beloved of the people," has several important functions in book 8, not the least of which is that Demodocus gives us a clear picture of the importance of the bard in Bronze Age oral culture. These storytellers related the adventures of the gods and heroes, passing on Greek values—as well as providing considerable entertainment. Only Alcinous notices his tears, and he asks the bard to stop singing. Let Demodocus rest his ringing lyre now this song he sings can hardly please us all. He's also "the man of twists and turns" because his mind twists and turns, helping him to think his way out of dangerous . Why did Herodotus write The Histories, his multi-volume work the excerpt on the Scythians is taken from? And many still apply today, precisel. Odysseus talks to him in the underworld, where Elpenor asks for a proper burial: "I ask that you remember me, and do not go and leave me behind unwept, unburied, when he leave, for fear I might become the gods' curse upon you; but burn me . Compassion is moral value that Homer writes about in The Odyssey. Check Writing Quality. Nausicaa is a classic nubile beauty and seems somewhat attracted to the wayfaring stranger. DEMODOCUS: Socrates, I was wanting to have some private talk with you, if you had time to spare; even if there is some demand, which is not particularly important, on your time, do spare some, nevertheless, for me. Demodocus is the name of the blind bard in the Odyssey, and we thought it was a fun name that we could use as the shorthand for this project. 115. metaphor "Trujillo is the devil" Pg. Let Demodocus rest his ringing lyre now' this song he sings can hardly please us all" was said by Alcinous in The Odyssey Book 8 from John McIlvain When everyone arrives, Alcinous asks his people to bring a ship down to the sea and to find a crew of fifty-two men to transport Odysseus home; everyone else, he says, should gather to feast and celebrate. The Odyssey tells the story of the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus during his 10-year journey home after his participation in the Trojan War. The bard Demodocus describes how the wooden horse full of Achaean soldiers secretly entered Troy, and how the Achaeans burst from the horse and defeated the Trojans; the bard mentions the particular courage of Odysseus and Menelaus. 1.spirit women- goats. Ironically, for all of his poise, Odysseus cannot remain at peace even when he finds himself . Elpenor is the guy who wandered up to Circe's roof and fell to his death before the men departed. Their position was considered important in a society in which many people couldn't read. Demodocus: Socrates, I was wanting to have some private talk with you, if you had time to spare ; even if there is some demand, which is not particularly important, on your time, do spare some, nevertheless, for me. During the poem, Demodocus, the other bard, sings three narrative songs. Passed 18/20 points earned (90%) Back to Week . Hephaestus was represented in the temple of Athena Chalcioecus at Sparta, in the act of delivering his mother; 24 on the chest of Cypselus, giving to Thetis the armor for Achilles; 25 and at Athens there was the famous statue of Hephaestus by Alcamenes, in which his lameness was slightly indicated (the so-called Theseion; ca. 5.Aeolus-bag of winds. He displays his soft side when Demodocus sings about the Trojan War. Enter Project Demodocus, a new automated approach to test websites of all kinds on how usable they really are for those who need more than just a keyboard and mouse. Demodocus' song about the adulterous affair of Ares and Aphrodite (Od. We will write a custom essay specifically for you. "Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns. The scenes with Demodocus give a glimpse into the role of the bard in ancient Greek society. Herodotus wrote his work, The Histories, to educate people about his findings about his travels and how the people from these different cultures interacted and lived their lives. This slender but dense book is devoted to the relationship between Virgil and Homer. Odysseus is "the man of twists and turns" because his journey, and his story, are anything but straightforward. Then Demodocus sang the love of Ares and Aphrodite, the trap set by the jealous husband Hephaestus, and the arbitration of Poseidon. butterflies, are a symbol of freedom, flight, and the ability to rise above tragedy. IMPORTANT CHARACTERS: Athena, Alcinous, Demodocus, Odysseus, Laodamon, and Broadsea and the gods of Demodocus' tale, especially Hephestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Hermes. 3) Odysseus could of been bewitched and not able to continue but . Not only would he beat every other man in the . Well, you are free to say . his references to Demodocus, Homer may be presenting himself as a character in his great epic, just as late Renaissance painters were wont to include themselves in famous religious or mythological. He urges . She tells him how to find the palace and . he is to represent Homer "He strokes the cheek I slapped, smiling a razor sharp smile that cuts me down to size" Pg. 2)Helped him survive the dehydration. In Book IX, Odysseus tells this story to Demodocus, who is a bard who comes to the palace every year with other bards. Demondocus's stories are relevant as they invoke feelings and memories of Odysseus's struggles in Troy and they reveal his growing maturity and understanding of his desperate situation as his own. This is exactly why we have collected and explained some of the most important quotes from The Odyssey. Following Circe's instructions, Odysseus sacrifices an animal in order to summon the spirits of the dead. 26 The Greeks frequently placed small dwarf-like statues . 308 certified writers online. The singer at the assembly, Demodocus, sang the tragic tale of the "Trojan War". butterflies, are a symbol of freedom, flight, and the ability to rise above tragedy. From the subsequent defences of the unity of the Phaeacian narrative has come an awareness of how well motivated and embedded in its setting Demodocus' song iS3. Odysseus's stay at Alcinous's palace provides the reader with some relief as it bridges the narrative of Odysseus's uncertain journey from Calypso's island and the woeful exploits that he recounts in Books 9 through 12. With one victory secured, Odysseus turns to the other men and proclaims ''Anyone else on edge to competition try me now. The scorned husband wove a net, spread it over the bed, caught the lovers in . They hit pretty close to home. he is to represent Homer "He strokes the cheek I slapped, smiling a razor sharp smile that cuts me down to size" Pg. Ironically, for all of his poise, Odysseus cannot remain at peace even when he finds himself . Many historians believe Homer was blind, due to his resemblance to a character in Odyssey, a blind poet/minstrel called Demodocus. Full search options are on the right side and top of the page. "Virgil's Homeric lens" is the Odyssey: the author belongs to that school of thought that holds the Odyssey to be the most important structural model for the Aeneid.The optical metaphor in Dekel's title presupposes the view that not only does the major structure of the Aeneid correspond to the major . The Symposium (Ancient Greek: Συμπόσιον, Sympósion [sympósi̯on]) is a philosophical text by Plato, dated c. 385-370 BC. Local noblemen who want Odysseus' vacant throne Plunderers looking for riches in the Mediterranean Sea The morning after Odysseus' rugged landing, Athena (disguised as a friend) sends their daughter, Nausicaa, and some of her handmaidens to wash clothes near the spot where the beleaguered hero has collapsed. He wanted to take off but the men didn't want to. Answer (1 of 4): Because they're real. Socrates. 1. Homer as an oral poet. [ 121a ] Demodocus. Socrates: Why, in any case I happen to have time to spare, and for you, moreover, I have plenty. Their qualities are significant of his taste and his view of the world, but they also reveal something more specific about his technique and the kind of poet he was. Although he does not have his own individual sight, his supernatural ability makes up for up for this weakness. while reading this episode, it is important to consider how demodocus serves for the guests much the same function that homer serves for the audience of epic, of recalling to its greek audience the. By heaven, you angered me.''. What is the significance of the blind bard Demodocus who entertains at the banquets of King Alcinous to historians? The story shows the dangers of adulterous activity and public fornication. Odysseus sacked the town, took their wives and much booty. why is the poet Demodocus important. The bard Demodocus describes how the wooden horse full of Achaean soldiers secretly entered Troy, and how the Achaeans burst from the horse and defeated the Trojans; the bard mentions the particular courage of Odysseus and Menelaus. The opening line of The Odyssey introduces Odysseus by his epithet, "the man of twists and turns.". Odysseus cries to hear the tale.

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